What is the difference between Tarot Card and Oracle Card Readings?

“It's all in the cards”
Many people come into our sanctuary asking for the Majestic take on what differentiates tarot and oracle cards. The person as often finds themselves in the same place. For both tarot and oracle readings, the intuitive clairvoyant voice reads a channeling of the spirit down its path of learning, healing, and living.
Tarot is more linear and masculine (Yang) in this controlled life arc within the time of your reading Tarot's definitions are more definite than the art of the oracle. The cards are fixed in a tarot deck, meaning no matter what deck of tarot cards you decide to buy all will coexist as decks with the same experience, advice, and rulings. Separated by the major and minor arcana, the layeredness of value in the cards of tarot certainly influences and impacts the meaning of cards - done so by positions - suits, numbers, and names that make the tarot resemble a deck of cards.
Oracle is more fluid, feminine, and intuitively divine, (Yin) and the meanings of oracle cards contain much more variation than a deck of tarot cards. Oracle cards typically hold right away meaning paired with a professional reader’s intuitive take. An Oracle in general is a sacred symbol - living, static, continuous, or ephemeral that provides insightful guidance from the Divine. Some consider Oracle to be a form of Divination, others, a playful nudge from your very own true spirit and intuition.
Oracle Card Readings are a very deep, authentic, yet gentle read - there is no wrong answer with an oracle card, the same is true with tarot but the differences of what both mean lie in the loose nature of oracle versus tarot’s read and placement structure.
A lot of people come into our sanctuary asking for the Majestic take on what differentiates tarot and oracle cards. The person as often finds themselves in the same place. For both tarot and oracle readings, the intuitive clairvoyant voice reads a channeling of the spirit down its path of learning, healing, and living.
We recommend experimenting with both types of readings as well as readings in Human Design, Astrology, and Crystal Readings.