Vernal Equinox: Thank your teachers!

Vernal Equinox: Thank your teachers!
In Lak’ech Ala K’in : I am the other you.
Here I am waking up on the Spring Equinox after a full moon with the full knowledge that as a lightworker that I must spark many flames, and carry the torches of my many teachers.

This year (or the many years jumbled together!) has been well, insane.
Like a great rollercoaster, and I do not like rollercoasters. As a woman of great integrity, I will say when things get sticky, my advice is always to turn to the healers and teachers - and even a healer needs healers.

I need to take a moment to Thank Bobby Klein who lifted me higher into the spirit realm. You have sparked me to dive deeper, be alert, and also be quiet. I hope to learn and carry your torch of the I Ching wisdom into the 21st Century with grace. You planted a seed for many and will be greatly missed.

I need to thank Deborah. My Reiki Master and wonderful friend. Without your Reiki, I would be a dusty tapestry. I thank and love you too!

and to Donovan Leitch, for the Music and the Myth in for drawing me with angel wings to my first retreat, @omega many years ago - that inspired many more and my path across the universe, also helping me to Live in the Crystal Faery Realm.

Here we go folks, Sprout into Spring my Loves, hold hands with your healers. Many of them are right in front of you. Make a quick list and thank them!

Jai Guru Deva Om

Xo Jen

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