A Mini Wellness Retreat you can do at home!

This weekend Althea and I read for a private party both Tarot and Oracle readings. It is a pleasure being fueled by amazing auras, good company, and free- flowing tea. I was in a state of reception, and I adore being in a state of reception because it opens the doors of perception. When this happens I become a catalyst to help you identify what you need to find peace, spark invention, engage intellect, ignite creativity, follow your bliss, anything - you name it.
Here is your at home Mini Retreat!
We have created this mini wellness retreat you can do at home. Enjoy these three readings: Tarot, Astrology, and I Ching. When you take a meditative moment to yourself our readers will help you gain insight, relieve stress, and set new patterns for self-care. Connect to your well-being with Majestic Hudson

Thank you for reading my Tarot spread of the day!

Aquarius from an Italian Book of Hours, perhaps made in Milan.
Courtesy of the Morgan Library.
This Saturday ushers in Aquarius Season. The Water Bearer, the Innovator, the Humanitarian, the Rebel.
I’m not just partial to the sign because I am an Aquarius myself but also because there is something hopeful and mystical about the Aquarian spirit.
Whatever your astrological placements, we can learn from each astrological season and implement energy into our daily lives. Optimize the Aquarian energy by being open to new ideas and by embracing the eccentric. Ask yourself "What makes me unique?" The intellectual characteristic of this fixed air sign has us thoughtfully looking to the future, planning the best course of action for 2024. Not only does the sun enter Aquarius on January 20th, Pluto does as well. Pluto, the Roman God of the Underworld governs change, the subconscious, the hidden, and yes, even wealth in your chart.
Pluto and Aquarius together amplify the energy of rebirth and transformation. Don’t be afraid of change and to break out of the norms. Pluto, the slowest moving planet, will be in Aquarius until September 1st where it has a dalliance with Capricorn, returning to Aquarius on November 19th, where it will remain until 2043!
But wait. There’s more! Later in Aquarius season, Venus, the planet of love, beauty and abundance, and Mars, the planet of action and power, both enter Aquarius. This means your Aquarian energy will be kicked up a notch. Just flow with it, like water from a vessel.
By representation, this seems like a smooth ride yet this hexagram senses conflicts on the horizon. No need to worry because you are a Majestic being doing the work, right? Right.

This is a time to withdraw, center yourself, and seek clarity amidst the conflict. As you center observe all parties involved with equanimity. Fairness and truth are your navigation tools that bring perseverance to your situation. Sometimes inaction is an action itself. At your heart center, there is clarity which will help you course correct and lead you to good fortune.

The Manifestation Mandala 1:1
A Dream Expansion Mentorship Program

The Manifestation Mandala is a personally tailored Educational Dream Expansion Mentorship Program. This purebred mentor program is an intuitively infused, intellectually stimulating, creative incubator for your specific passion projects.
I've designed this program to assist many folks who, like myself - find themselves driven by their spiritual and creative journeys and crave a framework in which to organize and build their dreams into viable sources of fulfillment.
One Session | Three Month Intensive | Six Month Intensive
options are available