Ask, and you shall receive. 

This is how the Law of Abundance works. 

 View Our March Live Sale collection here.

It’s also how I work. 

Y’all keep asking for more details on crystals, products, and rituals,

so I thought I’d jump on the live stream format and oblige.



Consider this your invitation to our first live stream this Friday at 6 pm.


Here are the details!

To engage and reap the rewards it is important to

Follow these IG accounts:




Follow us on TikTok @majetichudson


Remember, the more you follow - the more you get! 

Freebies go to those who purchase, follow, like, and share the Love.


Then tune in! 

Our first live sale will be on Friday, March 3 from 6 - 7:30 pm. 

Streaming from @majestichudson

Beginning with special deals on unique specimens, and an abundance ritual at 7 pm.


It’s a Happy Hour, by my fire. You’ll meet some new crystals for sale, we'll have some laughs, and learn a thing or two. 


See you there.


XO Jen