Sound Healing Experiences

$175.00 USD

Enjoy a Sound Healing session for you privately or with a group of friends.

Experience the therapeutic benefits of Sound Healing with our expert-crafted sessions. Our Sound Healing Experiences use vibrational frequencies to relax the body and mind, supporting improved mental well-being and physical relaxation. Our services are designed to enhance your self-care and holistic health.

Unwind with our Sound Healing Experiences featuring Crystal Singing Bowls. Our crystal singing bowls can help to induce a deep relaxed state and reduce stress. Their pure tones can also harmonize and balance the body’s energy centers, aiding in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

This evening you will experience supreme relaxation during the Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius and manifest great things collectively!

This experience is an Alchemy of Sound - Your home becomes a purified stage for you to experience an improvisational, intuitive sound experience that guides all to peace and clear seeing. You will arrive to surrender to our healing vibrations channeled through live music and intuitive healing performed by Jennifer Llewellyn, Majestic healers,  and Spirit

What to Expect:

✨ Deep Meditation

✨ Quartz Singing Bowls 

✨ Personal Reiki Healing

✨ Crystal Healing Alignments

✨ Tuning Forks and Quartz Bells

✨ Aromatherapy,

>>>>> and more! 

The entire experience is received while sitting or lying down in Savasana. You will float out of this experience and leave with a template for your sacred journey. Feel free to bring your best intentions, wishes, crystals, or ritual items to bless and be blessed during this communal, blissful experience.



Contact us for more information here.

Rates begin at $175 for 45 minutes.


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Majestic Hudson fosters connection, inspires creativity, and supports a compassionate lifestyle one blissful experience at a time. Online, in the store, or sound bathing in our sanctuary...we are here for you.