Copper Pyramids | Crystal Charging
They're here!
100% pure copper pyramids. Great for charging stones, reiki healings, and meditation. A pyramid creates a spherical field like a 3D globe of harmonic vibrations- where the wave patterns are synchronous and rhythmic- around itself. Everything within that field will move towards harmony.
Copper pyramids are a life-giving force called bio-cosmic energy and can energize and enhance any activity, including meditation, centering, grounding chakra balancing, and any kind of energy work. For healing practitioners, copper pyramids can become an energetic sanctuary for reiki, massage, and other healing modalities.
These are SUPER HIGH QUALITY, with an additional Triangle cap at the tip.
Majestic Triber Uses Jen's favorite Ore! "Copper is the grounding of all groundings and now we can ground anything under these sweet little pyramids. I can't wait to get more, or larger ones!"
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