Aura Amethyst
Aura Amethyst is one of the most attractive stones in the house. “The Stone of Inner Light” A stone to boost inner awareness, vitality, relaxation, and creativity. The fusion of grounding, tranquilizing Amethyst, and chakra-clearing, stabilizing Aura Quartz produces the perfect stone to enhance your spiritual experiences.
Think... Astral Project, Astral Travel, and even Lucid Dreaming!
This iridescent crystal is the perfect relaxation tool.
Majestic Triber Uses: "This stone is just ethereal! I've had some of the best spiritual experiences I've ever had meditating with Aura Amethyst!"
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Majestic Hudson fosters connection, inspires creativity, and supports a compassionate lifestyle one blissful experience at a time. Online, in the store, or sound bathing in our sanctuary...we are here for you.