Majestic Moon Circle | June 6 | 6:30 - 8 pm

$44.00 USD


Majestic Moon Circle: New Moon in Cancer

♋ 🌑 Thursday, June 6th, 2024

6:30 pm-8 ish 

What is a Majestic Moon Circle?

Well, it's a magical gathering of souls in a magical place. Our sanctuary is here to hold sacred space during some of the most important times of the lunar cycle, and all times.

These are collective gatherings: in meditation, ritual, sacred practices, and deep relaxation. Every circle will be a new and refreshing blend of ritual, community, poetry, yoga, sound therapy, and aromatherapy, to name a few! Jen often throws in a few surprises, and you always leave with a bag of goodies.

Each experience culminates with a blended sensory experience:

✨ Majestic Crafting Ritual

✨ Quartz Singing Bowl Sound Bath

✨ Reiki Healing Energy

✨ Crystal Healing Alignments

✨ Aromatherapy

>>>>> and more!

You will float out of this experience and leave with a template for your sacred journey. Feel free to bring your crystals or ritual items to bless and be blessed during this communal, blissful experience.


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Majestic Hudson fosters connection, inspires creativity, and supports a compassionate lifestyle one blissful experience at a time. Online, in the store, or sound bathing in our sanctuary...we are here for you.